Reflects the natural spontaneity of rhythmic movements in young children and evokes joyful, playful involvement that enhances their innate rhythmic, creative and expressive movement proficiencies. It fosters the development and understanding of body awareness, space awareness, and effort awareness through simple action songs, nursery rhymes, folk dances and creative dance.
Progressively adds more challenging fun Hip Hop steps to make small and large group routines. The steps and routines are based around the portrayal of everyday activities in sports, leisure and vocations to highlight that everyday activities are expressive, rhythmical and able to be enjoyed by everyone. Students get to respond to their own and others' dances using physical and verbal communication.
These advanced Hip Hop steps and formations create more complex fun and challenging group routines. They are totally inclusive in an atmosphere of positive support and recognition for others' interpretations and involvement. The students use elements of dance to explore and practice choreographic, technical and expressive skills to display their routine to others.